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JHK Pharma (Pvt) Ltd Company plans to open production in Uzbekistan

On July 8 of the current year, a meeting was held between staff of the Investment promotion agency and representatives of JHK Pharma (Pvt) Ltd (Pakistan).

During the conversation entrepreneurs were concerned to invest in production of infusions in the free economic zone  of “Parket-Pharm” and “Bostonlik-Pharm”. They also noted that Uzbekistan is attractive for investment in the field of natural resources, human resources and conditions for investors.

The Agency, in turn, informed about investment potential of Uzbekistan and assisted to organize a meeting with the directorates of “Parket-Pharm” and “Bostonlik-Pharm”.

Additionally, the Agency is ready to accompany representatives of JHK Pharma (Pvt) Ltd for further realization of production in pharmaceutical industry of Uzbekistan.  Overall, Uzbekistan seems to be positioning itself as an attractive destination for foreign investment across various sectors.