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Reasons for investing
  • Exports of tourism services for 8 months amounted to 666.9 million USD, which is two times more compared to the same period of 2017 (327.3 million USD).

  • Over 8 months of 2018, the number of foreign visitors amounted to 3.4 million people against 1.5 million people (+226%) for the same period of 2017. It is predicted that the number of foreign citizens visiting Uzbekistan according to the results of the year will amount to 4.8 million people.

  • The publication of articles about Uzbekistan in foreign mass media of 40 countries was provided, information tours were organized for representatives of about 50 foreign media from more than 20 countries. Only the story of the Chinese TV channel CCTV-7 about gastronomic tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan was watched by about 150 million people.

  • Uzbekistan entered the ranking of the best places to travel in Asia according to Lonely Planet. Uzbekistan ranks the second after South Korea. It should be noted that Uzbekistan is ahead of such traditional and popular countries as Vietnam, Japan, Thailand, Nepal, Sri Lanka, China and Indonesia in the Lonely Planet ranking.

  • Uzbekistan is among the top five countries in the CIS in the ranking of popular countries on gastronomic tourism.

  • Uzbekistan is on the 2nd place in the world in the ranking of safe countries.

  • At the Presidential level, special attention is paid to modernization of tourism industry, development and improvement of normative-legal framework for sustainable development of the industry, organization of services for foreign guests in accordance with international standards.

  • Free tourism zones (FTZ), free economic zones (FEZ) have been also created where large privileges (tax, customs) are provided.

  • The issuance of e-visas for foreign tourists is simplified and implemented.

  • The mobile application UzbekistanPass (UzPass) is a unique travel service for those who want to get to know Uzbekistan better, to get in touch with its diverse history, to see all its beauty, and at the same time to spend their journey conveniently, comfortably and economically (iOS, Android).

  • 22 requirements for the organization of hostels were canceled, the possibility of accommodating foreign tourists in private apartments was also created, and a simplified procedure for organizing family guest houses with the abolition of certification requirements was approved.

  • The terms of consideration of documents on licensing were reduced from 15 working days to 10 working days, as a result of which, for 8 months of 2018, 183 new tour operators started their activity, for comparison, by 2017, only 128 tour operators were functioning.

Types of tourism
  • ZIYORAT (Pilgrimage) TOUR

    In the East, “Ziyorat” means “visiting holy places” and is divided to two main types: pilgrimage tourism and religious tourism of an excursion-educational orientation. Currently in Uzbekistan there are more than 7.3 thousand objects of cultural heritage


The magnificence, spaciousness and picturesqueness of the mountain landscape amaze everyone who has ever been there. Within the framework of the developed mountain tours to Uzbekistan


    Located at the intersection of the caravan roads of the Great Silk Road, Uzbekistan for many centuries absorbed the most interesting and unusual recipes of dishes from different countries.

    Gastronomic tours to Uzbekistan provide a unique opportunity not only to taste famous Uzbek dishes every day, but also to become a true expert and connoisseur of Uzbek cuisine. Uzbekistan is also rich in abundance of vegetables, fruits and berries. 


    Cultural tourism is the most popular and widespread type of tourism. The main purpose of such trips is to get acquainted with tourism attractions (monuments of history, architecture, art; natural and ethnic features; modern life of people, etc.).


The natural environment or its individual elements: landscapes, natural monuments, certain types of plants or animals, or their combination. According to the UNWTO, eco-tourism is one of the most dynamically developing areas in tourism. Ecotourism is a responsible trip to natural areas that promotes nature conservation and improves the well-being of local population.

Ecological tourism (ecotourism) are the options, types and methods of educational trips of various complexity (including, for example, adventure travel), for which the main resource, as well as motivation, is the natural environment or its individual elements: landscapes, nature monuments, certain types of plants or animals, or their combination.


    One of the most promising areas of modern tourism. Exchange of information, organization of workshops and much more. As an effective way of accumulating professional experience, searching for new partners, organizing corporate events of various types, strengthening corporate culture, participating in workshops, conferences, exhibitions, symposia.


    One of the most impressive and unusual types of tourism in Uzbekistan are Jeep tours. In hot summer afternoon or cold winter weather, in the fertile Uzbekistan spring and autumn, this is the way to feel the beauty of hard-to-reach places in Uzbekistan. Fascinating deserts, with the ruins of ancient cities, picturesque cliffs, mountain rivers, cities of legend, found on the way, dip the traveler from one atmosphere to another. This erases the sensations of space and it seems that there are no more boundaries, but there is one single earth, the earth that belongs to man.

One of the developing areas of the tourism industry in Uzbekistan is geotourism. Specialists of the Institute of Mineral Resources of Uzbekistan were one of the first who began to develop it.Geotourism, as a type of eco-tourism, involves traveling directly to geological sites that are millions of years old.

“There are many unique geological objects in our country”, say experts of the Institute of Mineral Resources. These are, for example, the South-Western offshoots of the Gissar Range, where one can observe unique geological sections of the Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleogene and Neogene sediments (1.8 million years). They, as the gallery are located one after another, and each of them is unique.

Attractive mountains of Uzbekistan for tourists

    “Zaamin” (Jizzakh region) – this place is called “Uzbek Switzerland” for its mountainous landscape and abundance of age-old coniferous trees, the scent of which nourishes the already healing high-mountainous air.

    Aktash (Tashkent region) is another popular mountain resort with wonderful landscapes of deciduous groves, mountain streams Aktash and Ayubsai flow here.

    The health resort “Chimyonn” (Fergana region), where the treatment is carried out on the basis of hydrogen sulfide sources and healing mud found here.


    In Khojikent (Tashkent region) there are a lot of sights, for example, rock paintings, centuries-old plane trees and a waterfall that can be seen directly from the road.

    On Charvak (Tashkent region) one can relax both in summer and in winter: the lake is surrounded by picturesque mountains, and there are many recreation areas on its coastline almost 100 kilometers long. The most comfortable here is Charvak Oromgohi complex, where you can sunbathe on the sandy beach.


    During the tour to Urungach lakes (Tashkent region), you will discover the majestic beauty of mountain lakes surrounded by snow-capped peaks, enabling travelers to enjoy the silence and contemplation of nature.

    Traveling through Zaamin National Park (Jizzakh region), you will enjoy the contemplation of the majestic nature and enjoy the purest mountain air.

    And visiting Paltau, you can visit the excavation site of ancient people of the Paleolithic era – Obi-Rakhmat cave, see a mountain waterfall, overflowing from a height of 38 m, get acquainted with the flora and fauna of Chatkal reserve, known far beyond Uzbekistan.


    Climbing to the top of the Big Chimgan (Tashkent region). This output idea is intended for lovers of outdoor activities. Chimgan is the center of mountain tourism in Uzbekistan. In winter, you can meet skiers here, in summer – many groups ascending to local “Olympus”.

    Aksakata (Tashkent region) – is a wide gorge, stretching into the depths of more than 30 km. There are steep cliffs, shady forests and birch groves.


    Winter holidays in the mountains of Uzbekistan are organized only in Chimgan and Beldersay (Tashkent region). There are several modern guesthouses of hotel type and hotels. The tracks in Chimgan are built with regard to the location of the avalanche trays, therefore these tracks are practically safe.

    The peak of the Kumbel mountain (Tashkent region), on the slopes of which the ski trail passes, has a rounded shape.

Growth factors

The key factors for tourism in the next decade are the availability of improved infrastructure, targeted marketing and promotion efforts, the liberalization of air transport, the growth of online travel portals.

Since July 15, 2018, everyone can enter the territory of Uzbekistan by e-visa, which will allow to stay in the country for up to 30 days. It is valid for 90 days from the date of issue.

The Resolution of the President establishes a visa-free procedure for entry, temporary stay and exit from the Republic of Uzbekistan through checkpoints for citizens of 101 states traveling in transit through the country’s territory for a period of not more than five days if they have a ticket to a third country carrier.

Moreover, in the fall of 2018, Uzbekistan authorities plan to introduce visa exemptions for certain categories of foreign guests. This will affect, in particular, those who go to the countries of the Silk Road; those born in Uzbekistan and their families; as well as major investors.

The Republic of Uzbekistan has created excellent conditions for recreation and development of various types of tourism, for example, cultural, educational, natural, ecological, sports, water, rural. 

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Concessional loans

Preferential loans will be provided to enterprises for co-crediting, that is, partially, enterprises also invest in the project. Lending terms:

The loan term is 15 years, the grace period is 5 years.

Lending is provided for the purchase of imported equipment and technologies for hotels and objects of the adjacent road, engineering and communication infrastructure.

The amount of credit allocated to one client at the expense of the target credit line funds shall not exceed 50 percent of the project amount. The loan amount should not exceed 10 million USD for one investment project.

Loans are granted on the basis of positive decisions of authorized commercial banks on the economic and financial feasibility of implementing an investment project. In this case, the loan amount issued to one borrower.

 Tax benefits:

The specified tax benefits are provided with the volume of direct private foreign investment:

  • from 300 thousand USD to 3 million USD – for a period of 3 years;
  • over 3 million USD to 10 million USD – for a period of 5 years;
  • over 10 million USD – considered individually.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 2, 2016 No. DP-4861 (paragraph 12), they are exempted from paying corporate income tax, land tax and property tax, as well as a single tax payment for legal entities as they enter commissioned hotels and motels of at least 4 stars, certified in the prescribed manner.

Business entities in the field of tourism are exempt from:

  • turnover of sales of VAT
  • Recreational land – from land tax

Business entities that have taken the initiative to establish signs in foreign languages ​​in order to improve the orientation of tourists are given the right to place advertising information about their products or services provided on these signs.

Until 2021, the taxable base of subjects of tourism activities is reduced by the amount of expenditures allocated for the manufacture and replication:

  • Printed products
  • Souvenirs and packaging products that advertise tourism brand Uzbekistan and Uzbekistan.travel website

Business entities in tourism are exempt from payment for the period up to January 1, 2022:

  • Single social payment of qualified foreign specialists
  • Tax on income of individuals attracted as a managerial staff of hotels

Customs benefits:

Until January 1, 2022, thematic parks, hotels and other accommodation facilities are exempted from paying customs duties (except for customs clearance fees) for imported equipment, equipment, raw materials, components and spare parts, construction and other materials not produced in the Republic of Uzbekistan, for construction, reconstruction and equipping thematic parks, hotels and other accommodation facilities according to the lists approved in the established manner;

Business entities in the sphere of tourism are exempted for the period up to January 1, 2022 from the payment of customs duties for imported products into the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

Tourist class vehicles designed to carry 8 or more people, including the driver

Licensed tourist operators registered in the Republic of Karakalpakstan are allowed to pay for:

Customs payments in the amount of 25% of the current rate for imported vehicles, in volumes of at least 2.4 liters, with installments over 5 years for organizing extreme tours.

Introduction of ICT in the tourism sector:

Since January 1, 2018, the taxable base has been reduced by the amount of expenses:

  • On introduction of electronic services, including electronic payments, reservations, acquiring and others
  • Specialized Internet sites and portals offering modern types of tourism services
  • The taxable base of business entities that have established free Wi-Fi zones on their territory reduces the amount of expenditures aimed at purchasing equipment and acquiring Internet traffic to deploy wireless access zones of appropriate quality. The reduction of taxable base is also established for single tax payers.
  • Operators and providers who have created Wi-Fi zones in public areas are given the right to install an advertising banner or banner of no more than 18 square meters in this area at no cost
Adopted normative legal acts for development of the tourism sector since 2016
  • Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. DP-4861 of December 2, 2016 “On measures of ensuring the accelerated development of tourism industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan”
  • Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. DP-3217 of August 16, 2017 “On priority measures for development of the tourism sphere for 2018–2019”
  • Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. DP-5326 of February 3, 2018 “On additional organizational measures of creating favorable conditions for development of the tourist potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan”
  • Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.RP-3509 of February 6, 2018 “On measures for development of inbound tourism”
  • Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.RP-3514 of February 7, 2018 “On measures of ensuring accelerated development of domestic tourism”
Ministries and agencies of Uzbekistan that provide assistance in tourism industry

The Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan mift.uz 

State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development www.uzbektourism.uz

State Assets Management Agency davaktiv.uz

Ministry of Economy and industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan www.mineconomy.uz

Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan www.mf.uz

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan www.mfa.uz

Tashkent city khokimiyat www.toshkent.uz 

EURONEWS stories about Uzbekistan

Bukhara: gold embroidery, ceramics and Bukhara carpets


Bukhara: Secrets of the Great Silk Road


Samarkand: a fabulous city on the Silk Road


Samarkand: Melodies of the East


Samarkand: the intersection of cultures


Khiva: Zoroastrian bread, deserts and fortresses


Russia 1 TV channel report. Uzbekistan – the pearl of the sands