
Версия для слабовидящих

+998 (71) 202-02-10

Dear Investors and Entrepreneurs

To advance the pharmaceutical industry and speed up investment projects, the Agency for Foreign Investment Attraction and Asaka Bank have jointly developed 56 promising investment projects in the pharmaceutical sector.

These projects are focused on attracting direct foreign investments and offering preferential loans.

Entrepreneurs will receive preferential loans amounting to 100 million USD to finance projects aimed at integrating advanced foreign technologies and producing innovative medicines, medical devices, and medical equipment.

Loan terms are as follows:

  • Term: 10 years, including a 4-year grace period.
  • Annual interest rate: 8%.

You can view the list of projects and obtain further information at: go to.

To apply for attracting foreign investors to the project, please contact the Uzbekistan Investment Promotion Agency via email at: uzipa@invest.gov.uz

Phone numbers: +998 (71) 202-02-10 (500)

For additional information or to apply for a loan, please contact Asaka Bank via email at office@asakabank.uz

Phone numbers: +998781476565 (1558).