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Tashkent hosted business forum with the participation of the Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Shenzhen (China)

A delegation from Shenzhen (China) lead by the Shenzhen Association of Women Entrepreneurs Chairman Zhao Xingzhuning have been visited Uzbekistan from 22 to 24 of july. The purpose of the delegation’s visit is to explore opportunities for cooperation in trade, investment, tourism and cultural spheres.

On July 22 Tashkent hosted a forum with the participation of delegation from China. The forum aimed to establish an interactive platform fostering extensive exchange and interaction among women’s business representatives. This initiative likely sought to enhance collaboration and opportunities for women in business between Uzbekistan and China, focusing on promoting mutual growth and understanding in the business community.

The head of the Investment Promotion Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan took part in the business forum and spoke about the investment potential of the country. He also introduced aimed at providing support of foreign investors.

For reference: Association of Women Entrepreneurs was established in 1989. It is a non-profit public organization established under the leadership of the Shenzhen Women’s Federation. Currently, the association has more than 800 members, including 5 group members in Bao’an, Longgang, Longhua, Pingshan, Shenzhen and Shantou districts.