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+998 (71) 202-02-10

Cyprus delegation visited Investment promotion agency

The delegation from the Republic of Cyprus have visited Uzbekistan. It consists of the Deputy Director of the Department of Multilateral Relations, Security and Global Agenda of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus, the president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Deputy Head and representatives of the Investment Promotion Agency, the Head of the Department of Eastern Europe, Western Balkans, Caucasus and Central Asia, as well as the head of the international relations department of the Ministry of Tourism.

On July 16 of this year, the delegation led by the Ambassador of Cyprus to Uzbekistan visited the Investment promotion agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The sides discussed improvement of bilateral relations and  increase in trade and investment volumes. The delegation of the Republic of Cyprus highly appreciated the success and achievements of Uzbekistan and expressed its intention to raise investment and trade relations to a new level. The agency expressed its readiness to strengthen bilateral relations.