

A blend of Turkic, Persian, Mongol and Russian heritage imbues this country with a cultural wealth without peer. Uzbekistan's unique Silk Road heritage has bequeathed it cities and cultural artefacts which verge on the mythic – from the ancient metropolises of Samarkand and Bukhara to the intricately woven carpets of the Steppe and the hypnotic geometry of the Nurullabai Palace.

What's more, an ambitious cultural programme will strengthen Uzbekistan's leadership in artistic expression and curation – with Central Asia's largest exhibition space being built in Tashkent and the city's legendary Centre for Contemporary Art enjoying a major restoration.

Uzbek art and cultural treasures are admired worldwide, with exhibitions showcasing the country's extraordinary artistic heritage seen at leading cultural institutions from the British Museum to the Venice Biennale and the Louvre.