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Topical tasks in the areas of investment, foreign trade and industrial development were discussed

On July 8, under the leadership of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan S. Umurzakov , an expanded meeting was held to discuss the indicators of investment and foreign trade activities based on the results of the first half of this year, as well as issues of accelerated development of local industry and cooperation ties.

The meeting was attended by the heads of ministries, departments, industry associations and commercial banks. The heads of the local authorities of the regional level participated in the event via video conferencing.

During the meeting, priorities were outlined for further work on increasing industrial production, attracting investment and realizing the export potential of the textile, electrical, chemical, food, leather and footwear, pharmaceutical, automotive, furniture and jewelry industries, agricultural processing, handicrafts, and silkworm breeding. , as well as the production of building materials.

The tasks are set to determine, within each individual industry, specific top-priority areas for the development of new investment projects characterized by a high economic effect and aimed at strengthening intra-industry and intersectoral cooperation ties and increasing the localization of high-quality and competitive products.

In the near future, the heads of industry associations will conduct an in-depth analysis of the current state of the industries, identify systemic problems and develop comprehensive programs for their development, including specific solutions to the identified problems.

Separately, the results of foreign trade activities achieved in the first half of the year were considered. The ineffective use of the existing export potential is indicated due to the lack of widespread practice of applying international standards by domestic enterprises.

Responsible leaders were instructed to develop measures to identify additional reserves to ensure additional growth in export supplies.

Also, in the context of industries, the progress of the implementation of the Investment Program of Uzbekistan for 2021-2023 and regional investment programs was studied. It was instructed to take effective measures to ensure the timely implementation of approved projects and the commissioning of the relevant production facilities.

As a result of the meeting, executives in charge were given additional targeted assignments within the framework of the assigned tasks.
