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TDA Report: Significant progress

For the first time since 2011, the U.S. Department of Labor (TDA) has ranked Uzbekistan in the best category of “significant progress” in terms of the effectiveness of efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labour.

It is emphasized that this became possible due to the effective state policy in the fight against forced and child labour, as well as the tightening of criminal liability in this area in full compliance with international standards.

“Uzbekistan is truly becoming a model country that can achieve impressive progress in a short period of time,” said Marcia Eugenio, head of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Child and Forced Labor.

In addition, given the achievements of Uzbekistan, the US Department of Labor announced the exclusion of cotton produced in the country from the so-called. “List of goods produced with the use of child and forced labour.” This decision cancels formal restrictions on the import of cotton produced in Uzbekistan and products from it into the United States, thereby opening up new opportunities for the export of textile products.


Source: nigoh