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Tashkent region

Portrait of the region

Ташкентская область


2829,3 thousand people

Population density

540,7 person/km2


20800 km2

Largest cities

Almalyk city - 126,0 thousand people
Bekabad city - 91,9 thousand people
Chirchik city-153,75 thousand people
Angren city-186,4 thousand people


Natural area

The climate — from hot summer Mediterranean (Yangiyul, Buka, Kibray) to hot humid continental (Chirchik, Angren, Gazalkent) and cold semi-arid (Almalyk, Bekabad, Akhangaran). The average temperature in January is + 2.5°C, in July +35 °C. The rainfall ranges from 140 mm to 390 mm per year ,in the foothills — from 450 mm to 760 mm.
Relief-Central and Western parts of the region are flat. Chatkal-Kurama range is located on the North and East is part of the region.

Land resources

Total land area is 433817,8 thousand hectares. Of these, irrigated agricultural area is 359360.4 hectares, pasture area for livestock is 242382 thousand hectares

Water resorces

Chirchik river is richer in hydropower resources than Akhangaran river. Chirchik-Bozsuv stepped cascade has 19 hydropower plants. Chirchik river provides 70% of economic area with water for irrigation.

Chirchik river, along with field irrigation, provides water to population and industrial enterprises of such large cities as Tashkent, Chirchik, Yangiyul.
For effective use of water in the upper reaches of Chirchik , Chirchik reservoir has been created with a capacity of 2 billion cubic meters.

Akhangaran river is shallow, it feeds on thawed waters, floods are formed in spring. For rational use of river, Tuyabuguz reservoir (Tashkent sea) has been created. In Akhangaran, there is often low water, and therefore, in order to provide population with water, channel (called Big Tashkent) is held from Chirchik, and thus, both rivers are connected to each other.

In general, dozens of channels, such as Bozsu, Zakh, Karasu, Dalverzin, Northern Tashkent, Margunenkov and others were built on the territory of the economic region.

Investment potential of the region

Economy of the region

Dynamics of GRP (bn.UZS)
GRP by industry
GRP per capita
Investments in fixed assets (bn UZS)
Investments per capita

Natural and climatic conditions

Land and water resources

Total land area is 433817,8 thousand hectares. Of these, irrigated agricultural area is 359360.4 hectares, pasture area for livestock is 242382 thousand hectares.

Average annual rainfall

The precipitation varies 42 mm between the driest month and the wettest month. Throughout the year, the temperature ranges from 26.0 °C.



Average population density by districts

Employment of the population



Composition of the population (thousand people)

The educational level of economically active population (thousand people)

Average monthly wage by industry (thousand UZS)

Employment of the population by industry (thousand people)

Dynamics of the population (thousand people)


Transport infrustructure

Roads (length km)

The total length of roads-14326 km
from them;
Regional roads -10364 km
Roads of general use -3965 km

Communal infrustructure

1 cubic metre - 2000 UZS
1 kWh - 365,76 UZS
1 cubic metre-1146 UZS
1 cubic metre - 1000 UZS

Specialization of the region

Industry Volume(bn.UZS)

Industry Volume (bn.UZS)

Agriculture (bn.UZS)

Export and import