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An Uzbekistan-Slovenia Business Forum took place in Tashkent.

On February 8 this year, UzIPA, with the support of the Ministry of Investments, Industry and Trade, organized the Uzbekistan-Slovenia Business Forum in Tashkent. Participants varied from heads of key ministries and departments and more than 100 representatives of the business community of the two countries.

During the opening ceremony, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Jamshid Khodjaev and Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia Taney Fayon made speeches.

During their stay in our country, the Slovenian delegation took part in the work of the Uzbek-Slovenian Business Forum, which became an effective platform for the dialogue of entrepreneurs.

The speakers revealed the potential of many industries in Uzbekistan and Slovenia. Furthermore, representatives of both sides discussed proposals to deepen relations in the economy’s electrical, pharmaceutical and other sectors. The forum also hosted meetings between representatives of the business community of the two countries, during which the parties discussed the possibilities of implementing joint investment projects and concluding mutually beneficial trade agreements.

Within the forum framework, Deputy Prime ministers from both countries signed an agreement on developing cooperation in trade, economic and investment spheres between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Slovenia.

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