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Additional opportunities for industrial growth in the Khorezm region explored

On January 7 this year, the Working Group headed by the Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade Laziz Kudratov and consisting of the heads of industry associations, commercial banks and local authorities continued to familiarize themselves with the current state and develop measures to accelerate the development of the industrial, investment and export potential of the Khorezm region.

In particular, the Working Group visited the enterprises of Develop Textile LLC, New Best Style LLC, Future Industries Systems LLC, Khiva Cluster LLC, Khiva Silk Factory LLC, Yantex invest LLC, Yangiariq LLC tex”, LLC “Komila kelajak avlod gilamlari”. In a conversation with the initiators of the projects, the issues that they faced in the course of their activities were discussed, and algorithms for solving them were developed right on the spot. Leaders have been instructed to take action to provide immediate assistance.

The ongoing work aims to increase production volumes in various industries, increase the efficiency of systematic work, support entrepreneurs in expanding and increasing the productivity of existing enterprises and bring those lagging to their design capacity. In parallel with the implementation of additional investment projects, these measures will increase production volumes by at least 15% of the targets for 2023.


Manba: miit.uz

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