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On September 9, Investment promotion Agency welcomed a Polish delegation led by Mieczysław Ryba, Chairman of the Regional Council of People’s Deputies of the Lubin Voivodeship

During the discussion, the positive investment climate in Uzbekistan, the country’s rapid development, and the favorable conditions for investors were emphasized. The guests noted that Uzbekistan is currently a promising destination for investment and trade. They also highlighted the increase in the number of flights between Uzbekistan and Poland as a positive factor that benefits both countries.

The Polish delegation proposed expanding bilateral cooperation in agriculture, information technology, pharmaceuticals, and tourism. They expressed their willingness to share expertise and knowledge in these areas and to collaborate on innovative solutions and practical applications

In conclusion, the discussions between the Polish and Uzbek sides demonstrated significant potential for expanding cooperation in various areas, including economy, education and culture. Both countries expressed their willingness to work on new initiatives that could contribute not only to the growth of mutual investment and trade ties, but also to the deepening of cultural exchanges.

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