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+998 (71) 202-02-10


 VEON Ltd. is an international communications technology company.

 Headquarters is located in Claude Debussylaan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

In 2017, the annual income amounted to 9.5 billion USD.

VEON Ltd. (shares of VEON Ltd. are listed on NASDAQ and Euronext Amsterdam) is a global provider of communications, with a desire to be the first in personal Internet services for more than 235 million subscribers that the company serves at the moment.

VEON offers services to clients in 10 markets, including Russia, Algeria, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Georgia. VEON operates under Beeline, Kyivstar, Jazz, Banglalink and Djezzy brands.

In 2009, Beeline was declared the Most Valuable Russian Brand in accordance with a European brand institution with an estimated value of 7.9 billion euros. Also, in 2009, Beeline entered the top 50 Most Valuable European Brands.

LLC Unitel company was founded in 1996 in Uzbekistan. LLC Unitel company is included in the group of companies of VEON Ltd. The company’s commercial activity began on September 25, 1997. From September 12, 2006, LLC Unitel provides services under Beeline trademark.

Currently, Beeline is the largest telecommunications operator in Uzbekistan. As of 2017, the company’s subscriber base approached the mark of 10 million.

On December 2, 2008, LLC Unitel was the first in Uzbekistan to announce the commercial launch of its 3G network.

On September 4, 2014, it was the first in Uzbekistan to launch the 4G network using LTE technology for commercial operation. In three years, the company has expanded its 4G network in more than 20 cities of Uzbekistan.

Official websites: https://beeline.uz; https://veon.com