Regulation of relations in the field of licensing, permitting and notification procedures, as well as a list of activities for which a license is required, is contained in the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 701 “On licensing, permitting and notification procedures” dated July 14, 2021 (hereinafter referred to as the Law)
According to the Law, licensing and licensing procedures are introduced in cases where the implementation of certain types of activities may entail harm to the environment, life and health of citizens; damage to the rights, legitimate interests of citizens and public safety.
License is required to engage in certain types of activities, the implementation of which may entail damage to the rights and legitimate interests, the health of citizens, public safety, and the regulation of which cannot be carried out by other methods than licensing. At the same time, 49 types of activities (divided into 198 subtypes) are currently subject to licensing, for which 30 state and economic management bodies, including regional and district khokimiyats, have been identified by licensing authorities.
Permissive document issued by the authorized body in the form of a permit, approval, conclusion, giving the right to carry out certain activities subject to mandatory compliance with permit requirements and conditions. 120 types of permit documents are issued by 50 authorized bodies in the field of permit procedures;
Notification procedure – a set of measures related to the process of sending a notification, as well as suspending, resuming, terminating the activities of the notifier and imposing a ban on carrying out activities in a notification manner;
Applications of applicants for the issuance of licenses or documents of a permissive nature, as well as documents attached to them, can be accepted by the competent authorities through a special electronic system (, through the Single Portal of Interactive Public Services (SPIPS) ( or by personal appeal through the Public Services Center.
The licensing authority examines the compliance of the license applicant with its requirements and conditions. Using an electronic digital signature, sends a license and a notification of payment of the state fee to the Public Services Center (in the case of a personal application) or through the SPIPS (in the case of an application submitted electronically). If a decision is made to refuse to issue a license, a notification is sent indicating the reasons for the refusal and the time period for their elimination.
The Public Services Center informs the licensee about the details of the bank account and the deadline for paying the state fee, and issues a license upon payment of the state fee.
The issuance of a license or document of a permissive nature or refusal to issue it should not exceed twenty working days.
When applying for a license or a document of a permissive nature, the applicant shall indicate the following information:
For individuals | For legal entities |
last name, first name and patronymic, details of an identity document of an individual, or personal identification number of an individual (PINFL) | Tax payer identification number (TIN) |
the type of licensed activity or the type of activity (actions) requiring the passage of licensing procedures, which the applicant intends to carry out, as well as in cases provided for by law, a subtype of this activity | |
other information confirming the applicant’s ability to fulfill the licensing or permitting requirements and conditions provided for by law. |
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