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The Third International Pharmaceutical Forum started in Tashkent.

On May 30 of this year, the opening of the Third International Pharmaceutical Forum have been held in Tashkent. European and Asian pharmaceutical companies participated in the forum.

During the forum, O. Elmuratov, the head of the Investment Promotion Agency under the Ministry of Investment, Industry, and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, made a speech about Uzbekistan’s investment opportunities, support for pharmaceutical manufacturers, and increasing volume of export information about the reforms being carried out.

At the end of the forum, a small circle (G2B) meeting have been held between O. Elmuratov and O. Kasparov, head of the “Bayer”.

In the forum current issues in the pharmaceutical market of the Republic and neighboring countries are discussed.

The forum will last two days, May 30 and 31.