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The top 20 taxpayers of Uzbekistan in the field of manufacturing in 2022 are presented

The Tax Committee presented the 20 largest taxpayers in the manufacturing sector of Uzbekistan for 2022. They paid taxes for 39 trillion soums and received benefits for 2.6 trillion soums (most of it came from two companies).

In 2022, enterprises in the manufacturing sector of Uzbekistan paid taxes for 39 trillion soums. It is reported by Spot with reference to the press service of the Tax Committee under the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

In total, there are 72,348 legal entities in the manufacturing industry. Of these, the 20 largest taxpayers provided slightly less than half of tax revenues – they account for 17.5 trillion soums (excluding NMMC and AGMK).

The taxes paid by these 20 enterprises make up 1/6 of their trade turnover – 101.3 trillion soums.

Uzbekneftegaz became the largest taxpayer in the production sector – 4.32 trillion soums. It is followed by UzBAT – 2.19 trillion soums and UzAuto Motors – 2.05 trillion soums.

The largest industrial companies received 2.6 trillion soums of tax benefits. Most of this amount fell on two companies – Uz-Kor Gas Chemical (1.1 trillion soums) and UzAuto Motors (702.9 billion soums).

The table below shows the total turnover of each of the top 20 manufacturing taxpayers, the taxes they paid, and the number of benefits.

No.CompanyTurnoverTax paymentsPrivileges
1Uzbekneftegaz11 9424 32168.5
3UzAuto Motors33,068.32052.1702.9
4Bukhara Oil Refinery8,094.41 24424
5Shurtan GCC3331.31,069.33.8
6Uz-Kor Gas Chemical8 228989.91,103.7
9Tashkent Tobacco584.5425.91
11Combine Tashkentvino989.537927.5
12Ferghana Oil Refinery2146.3375.53.5
13Maxam Chirchiq2226.4321.878.2
15Urtachirchik HPP cascade972.5274.631.3
17Talimarjan TPP2114.6249.50.4
20Coca-Cola Ichimligi Uzbekistan3 629217.90.5

Of the tax revenues, VAT accounts for 5.3 trillion soums, income tax – 5.3 trillion soums, excise tax – 3.4 trillion soums, subsoil use tax – 1.9 trillion soums, personal income tax – 834.9 billion soums, property tax – 451.4 billion soums, land tax – 315.5 billion soums, tax for the use of water resources – 106.1 billion soums.


Source: gazeta.uz