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+998 (71) 202-02-10

The indicators of investment and foreign trade activities analyzed

Under the leadership of the Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan S. Umurzakov, a videoconference was held to discuss the current indicators of the country’s investment and foreign trade activities, as well as further measures to increase them.

The meeting was attended by heads of ministries, departments, industry associations, commercial banks and local authorities of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and Tashkent city.

According to the results for the last 5 months, the volume of assimilated foreign investments exceeded the figures for the same period last year by 42 percent. At the same time, the analysis revealed a number of problems associated with the implementation of investment projects in certain industries and regions. It was instructed to conduct an inventory of ongoing projects, develop targeted measures to address existing issues within the established time frame and identify responsible executors.

Similarly, foreign trade indicators were considered: as of June 1 of this year, the actual volume of exports in the country exceeded the figures for the same period last year by 21 percent. Following the discussion of the current situation with exports in the context of industries and regions, it was instructed to establish control over the prompt response of the responsible ministries, departments and local authorities to emerging problems related to the export activities of domestic entrepreneurs and to intensify work with exporters, meaning the provision of effective support in their activities and the development of measures to increase the volume of export deliveries.

As a result of the meeting, disciplinary measures were taken for omissions and shortcomings in supporting exporters and investors. Thus, in particular, the deputy khokims for investment and foreign trade of the Bozatau district and the city of Zarafshan were relieved of their posts.

Reprimands were issued to 19 deputy khokims who did not provide timely support to the initiators of investment projects, which led to the failure of the commissioning of 32 investment projects and the backlog in the creation of 395 jobs.

In addition, the deputy khokims for investment and foreign trade of Shumanai, Chartak and Kanimekh districts were given a trial period of 3 months to correct the shortcomings in their work.

Additional installations are given for the qualitative and timely completion of the assigned tasks. Responsible managers were warned of personal responsibility for the effectiveness of work to provide timely support to exporters and investors.


Source: mift.uz