
Версия для слабовидящих

+998 (71) 202-02-10

Samarqand Region

Portrait of the region


3 719 006 thousand people

Population density

200,03 person/km2


216 400 km2

Largest cities

Samarkand city


Natural area

The climate of Samarkand region can be divided into two zones. Northern part and extreme West of the region belong to continental climate, and other parts (center, South and East) of the region is covered by subtropical inland climate. Both climates are represented by hot and dry summer with partly cold winter. The average annual temperature is +16.5 °C; average temperature in January is 0.2 °C, average temperature in July is +27.0 °C.

The absolute minimum temperature is -26 °C, absolute maximum temperature is +58 °C. The average annual rainfall in the district is 310-330 mm (main part of precipitation falls in spring and autumn). The vegetation period lasts 218-220 days.

Water resouces

The main river of the valley - Zarafshan, originating from glacier, feeds on snow and glacial waters. Therefore, the water regime of the river is quite stable, which ensures uniform operation of hydroelectric power stations throughout the year and eliminates risk of floods. For more efficient use of water, Kattakurgan reservoir was built in the middle reaches of Zarafshan, and Kuyumazar reservoir - in the lower reaches. Zarafshan flows into Kashkadarya region through Eskianhor channel. According to the degree of water use, no river in Central Asia can be compared with Zarafshan - 90% of them are spent on irrigation. Underground water in the district are close to surface, although they have less salt, they are not suitable for drinking.

Investment potential of the region

Economy of the region

Dynamics of GRP (bn.UZS)
GRP by industry
GRP per capita
Investments in fixed assets (bn UZS)
Investments per capita

Natural and climatic conditions

Land and water resources

Agriculture occupies a special place in Samarkand territorial-industrial complex. Agriculture provides 75% of gross agricultural output.The leading branch of agriculture is cotton. Tobacco, sesame, flax and safflower are grown from other industrial crops. Urgut fog is specialized in tobacco growing. It produces 96% of tobacco in the country.

High-grade wheat and barley are grown on rainfed lands. Horticulture and viticulture, included in cotton complex, have also reached a high level of development. Many different vegetables and melons are grown in shirkat farms and on homestead lands, located around the cities.



Average population density by districts

Employment of the population



Composition of the population (thousand people)

The educational level of economically active population (thousand people)

Average monthly wage by industry (thousand UZS)

Employment of the population by industry (thousand people)

Dynamics of the population (thousand people)


Transport infrustructure

Roads (length km)

Samarkand city—Akdarya (Laish urban village) 35 km
Samarkand city—Bulungur — Bulungur (urban village) 36 km
Samarkand city— Jambay (Jambay city) 18 km
Samarkand city— Ishtikhan (Ishtikhan urban village) 35 km
Samarkand city— Kattakurgan (Payshanba village) 84 km
Samarkand city —Koshrabad (Koshrabad village) 101 km
Samarkand city—Narpay (Aktash city) 100 km
Samarkand city—- Nurabad (Nurabad city) 86 km
Samarkand city— Payaryk (Payaryk urban village) 50 km
Samarkand city— Pastdargom (Djuma city) 30 km
Samarkand city— Pakhtachi (Ziadin urban village) 120 km
Samarkand city— Samarkand (Gulobod urban village) 10 km
Samarkand city— Taylak (Taylak urban village) 25 km
Samarkand city— Urgut (Urgut city) 45 km


Railway (length km)

Bukhara-1 → Samarkand → Tashkent South Special
Tashkent South → Samarkand → Bukhara -1 Special
Tashkent South →Samarkand → Kungrad Special
Kungrad→ Samarkand → Tashkent South Special
Urgench → Samarkand → Tashkent South Special
Tashkent South → Samarkand → Urgench Special
Shavat → Samarkand → Tashkent South Special
Almaty-2 → Samarkand  → Nukus Special
 Nukus→ Samarkand → Almaty-2 Special
 Saratov-1 Pass. → Samarkand → Tashkent Pass Center.Special
 Tashkent Pass Center. → Samarkand → Saratov-1 Pass.Special
Tashkent South → Samarkand  → Termez Special
Bukhara-1 → Samarkand → Tashkent South Special
Tashkent South → Samarkand → Bukhara-1Special
Termez → Samarkand→ Tashkent South Special

Air (flight directions)

Samarkand— Tashkent
Samarkand— Fergana 
Samarkand— Bukhara

Communal infrustructure

1 cubic metre - 445 UZS
1 kWh - 365,76 UZS
1 м. куб - 4161 сум
1 cubic metre - 1000 UZS

Specialization of the region

Industry Volume(bn.UZS)

Industry Volume (bn.UZS)

Agriculture (bn.UZS)

Export and import